Sunday, February 28, 2010

wireless thoroughput problem

problem profile
- the quality of internet has dropped to near zero as it has become completely unreliable and unstable.
- when clients try to connect to lexican the pings go very high at this point, until they are settled, this was notice after rstp was enabled.

attempts to a solution
- tried changing frequency
- looking at disabling some clients
- rstp was enabled
- mtu on wireless was reduced to 1450

- there are just too many devices in the air over 100
- when lexican is off lexican2 works well more often that not but still not as good as it should or used to be.
-at some point the wireless interface on lexican was disabled and the traffic was still high passing through it

applied remedies
- first, lexican was turned off till we were ready for extensive tests
- second, lexicans card was changed to another in case age was getting to it.
- wds was changed to static and later disabled
- rstp was enabled on the bridges all connected to the network on all devices, somehow lexican was the root and the traffic flowing to it when it had a disabled interface dropped form 60kbps to 5kbps average
- mtu on lexican wireless was reduce to 1450