Sunday, December 23, 2007

Windows NT Boot Error Msg: Missing Last Known Good Menu

Revision :2.1
When your computer running Windows NT starts up, you may receive
on of the following error messages:
Windows NT could not start because the following file is
missing or corrupt: \%systemroot%\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\SYSTEMHardware
Profile/Last Known Good menu.
Windows NT could not start because the following are missing or corrupt:
\\system32\config\SYSTEMware profile/last known good menu.
You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows NT setup.
Windows NT could not start because the following are missing or corrupt:
\Winnt\system32\config\SYSTEMware profile/last known good menu.
You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows NT setup.
NOTE: %systemroot% is the installation directory for Windows NT.
Both the System and System.alt registry files are corrupted or missing.
Use the emergency repair disk (ERD) and select "inspect registry files" on the first menu selection screen.
On the second menu selection screen select "replace SYSTEM configuration." This will replace the damaged
System registry hive in the %systemroot%\System32\Config directory with the System hive on the ERD.
NOTE: Any system changes made after the ERD was last updated will be lost.
For additional information, please see the following article(s) in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
ARTICLE-ID: 103280 (
TITLE : Using an Emergency Repair Disk Created by Windows NT
If there is no ERD, a restore from a tape that contains a backup of the registry will be needed.
If you do not have an ERD or backup tape, you can recover the System hive by expanding it from the
%systemroot%\repair directory using the following steps:
1. Install a parallel copy of Windows NT to an NTTemp directory.
2. From a command line prompt, go to the repair directory of the original Windows NT installation.
For example: CD \winnt\repair
3. Use Expand.exe to expand the System._ file to System.
4. Copy the expanded SYSTEM file to the %systemroot%\System32\Config directory.
Copy System c:\winnt\system32\config
5. Try to boot back into the original Windows NT installation.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Installing Leopard on An unsupported MAC or with out the DVD

After, weeks of trying and failing the best method i found for installing Mac OS X 10.5 with out the DVD is with the help of an old ipod anything from 4th generation downwards with firewire support.

I have 2 links 1 to the program called XAR if you intend to reduce the processor requirements level. A How to would follow bellow but if you don't intend to go through the trouble you can download the one i made which has a limit of 497mhz, which is the second link. Just download it and replace the file in your ipod with this path


Dropping Installation requirements
If you are good with terminal, copy the following file from the mounted image (/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg somewhere so you can work on it (Desktop works well), for those not so good, you can use this terminal command which is useful anyway! I have found that depending on the build version or dmg you have, it may or may not show the folders. If it does show it, you don't have to do this next step.

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles True
Followed by
Killall Finder
This will show all hidden files. To change it back, simply change the value to False and kill the Finder. Now, go into to the DMG, you should see some new stuff in there. You want to navigate to /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg, copy this file to the desktop.

Now create a folder called package on the Desktop. Fire up terminal again, navigate to the package folder. You should be at the home directory by default so you can type the following:

cd desktop/package
Now comes the fun part. Extract the xar archive and put in the same folder. Type the following:
./xar -x -v -f ~/Desktop/OSInstall.mpkg
If this fails, there is a problem with your xar installation. I will work with you to troubleshoot this. If it works you should see some files being extracted to the package folder. Great!

Hack that code!
Now, if you made it here we are getting close. Now, go into the package folder you made. You should see a file called Distribution. Good, back it up somewhere and then open the original with Textedit(I used Text wrangler). You should now see some wonderful code. You want to pay attention to this part of the script (changed to GM version):

 var minRam = 512;

function checkSupportedMachine(machineType){
// Fail on G3
if (1 != system.sysctl('hw.vectorunit') ) {
return false;

var badMachines = ['MacBook3,1','iMac','PowerBook1,1','PowerBook2,1', 'AAPL,Gossamer', 'AAPL,PowerMac G3', 'AAPL,PowerBook1998', 'AAPL,PowerBook1999'];

var length = badMachines.length;

// Fail if any of the compatible values match the list of badMachines
for( var j = 0; j < length; j++ ){
if(machineType == badMachines[j]){
return false;



// require 867Mhz+
if (system.sysctl("hw.cpufrequency") < 866000000) {
return false;

return true;
Now, you can probably see where you need to make edits. First take a look at the G3 section. You can simply change it to return true, if you need to install on a G3. It has been said that you still can't install on a G3, I have no way to test this at the moment. I have to wonder though, why even add a section about G3s if it was just not an option (as in you couldn't even boot the disk as some have said). Same goes for the badMachines section. Or you can also simply remove the "bad machines" you have.

Now comes the cpu speed.

if (system.sysctl("hw.cpufrequency") < xxx000000) {
return false;
Where 'xxx' is the minimum processor speed. I have a DP 500 (which makes no difference, it is still seen at 500Mhz), so I changed mine to 499. I don't think you will gain any advantage by dropping it lower than the speed you need, other than having a disc that can be used on any Mac if you drop it to say, 0Mhz, although I would do 1Mhz as 0 may cause a problem.

Simple changing the false to a true will also work here. And is probably a more elegant solution throughout. I actually think removing the entire section would be the best solution. However, I have not tested this theory. My concern is that something else is there to be sure these things have returned values. Until we get a test on this, I am more inclined to say the section should remain in place, but simply be edited.

You can also edit the RAM and anything else really. Just be sure what you are doing will help you in some way

Now, save the document and exit textedit.

Wrap it up
Now we are going to reverse the step 3 by repackaging the altered contents. Hop back into terminal and type the following:

./xar -c ./ -v -f ~/Desktop/NewOSInstall.mpkg
And just like that, you should have a new package on your desktop.

New mpkg placement
Now that we have a new mpkg, navigate back to the /System/Installation/Packages folder. Rename the old OSInstall.mpkg, I usually do OSInstall.mpkg.old, Finder will ask if you want to append the new extension, say yes. Now, drop in the NewOSInstall.mpkg, rename it to OSInstall.mpkg.

You now have a disc image ready.

All things been equal this is the procedure in installing the Leopard on your ipod then you PC

  1. Reset your iPod and force it into Disk Mode - Press and hold Menu + Center until you see the Apple logo. Then Press and Hold Center + Play/Pause. The screen should turn to gray-scale and show “OK to Disconnect” (circa old old ipods).
  2. Connect the iPod to your computer (do not use a USB hub if possible).
  3. iTunes will launch automatically and probably start syncing. Make sure “Enable Disk Use” is checked on the settings for iTunes and press Sync one more time.
  4. Quit iTunes and launch the Activity Monitor and quit the iTunes Helper.
  5. You should still see the iPod listed on your desktop as a mounted drive. If you don’t see the iPod mounted on the desktop, return to step 1.
  6. Open Disk Utility
  7. Select the iPod (the top one, mine is labeled 74.5 GB Apple iPod Media) then select the Partition tab.
  8. Change the selection from “Current Partition Scheme” to “1 Partition”. Click on Options and select GUID Partition Table and press OK. (NOTE: If you are going to use a PowerPC based Mac, ie G4 or G5, you need to select Apple Partition Map here. GUID is for Intel Macs ONLY)
  9. Give the Partition a name and select Partition. The system will ask you to authenticate.
  10. Click on the Restore tab and drag the iPod partition to the Destination field
  11. Drag the Leopard image file to the Source field and press Restore. LeopardIpod 1
  12. Once complete, open System Preferences and go to the Start up Disk option. Make sure you see the iPod listed there. Select the appropriate drive and click restart. LeopardIpod 2
  13. Install Leopard!

** If you are using a PowerPC Based Mac (G4, G5), you must use the Startup Disk utility in System Preferences to select the startup volume and reboot from this tool. Notes:

  • It’s really important the iPod stay in Forced Disk mode. If you try and boot up the Mac with the iPod connected but not in Disk Mode, it won’t do anything

You can get a view on how to format your ipod from this video