Saturday, July 10, 2010

slow internet as a bottom line

My internet service was highly unstable and my uploads the worst. Completely unpredictable. this forced the main isp links to go down and require a reboot for fast recovery. Cause of the problem, squid was running out of file descriptors. That was a bug from running delay pools on very old version of squid say version 2.5. to fix this had to move all connections depending on delay pools to another bandwidth controller and disabling delay pools.

Friday, June 4, 2010

fix for last post

I had a bad amplifier .... yeah so it was adding alot of noise. there you have it. Lesson learnt change high power systems every 4 years whether they are bad or not.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

wireless thoroughput problem

problem profile
- the quality of internet has dropped to near zero as it has become completely unreliable and unstable.
- when clients try to connect to lexican the pings go very high at this point, until they are settled, this was notice after rstp was enabled.

attempts to a solution
- tried changing frequency
- looking at disabling some clients
- rstp was enabled
- mtu on wireless was reduced to 1450

- there are just too many devices in the air over 100
- when lexican is off lexican2 works well more often that not but still not as good as it should or used to be.
-at some point the wireless interface on lexican was disabled and the traffic was still high passing through it

applied remedies
- first, lexican was turned off till we were ready for extensive tests
- second, lexicans card was changed to another in case age was getting to it.
- wds was changed to static and later disabled
- rstp was enabled on the bridges all connected to the network on all devices, somehow lexican was the root and the traffic flowing to it when it had a disabled interface dropped form 60kbps to 5kbps average
- mtu on lexican wireless was reduce to 1450

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Installing cacti on windows

what i did to install cacti on windows. i followed the installing on windows documentation that came with cacti

downloaded wamp5 (php 5.3 was giving deprecated error so i didnt use wamp2.1 though you cam remove it by turning off errors), latest cacti

wamp5 or 2.1
the cacti

http on different port
mysql and php
make sure all paths including fonts are added
to configure cacti follow this

A big problem with a simple solution...

for the error below just do this

Start->run..then type the following -> "Outlook.exe /resetnavpane"

the error
Microsoft Office Outlook
Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Must have linux tools

sarg(if you use squid)
password-less login

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jabberd installation notes

**This is a rough one

When installing udns ensure you install the devel also

After installing gsasl upi meed tp enter the flag below to get all to work

Use these links

Btw, you may need to add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ and re-run

'ldconfig' as root after installing a local library. This makes sure

all applications notice your new library instead of the one in /usr/lib.

Alternatively, configure jabberd with LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib

to make it use your own libgsasl.

Generally, if you are not familiar with building free software, it might

be easier to locate pre-built binary packages of jabberd for your

operating system instead.

CFLAGS=-DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5 ./configure --enable-db --disable-mysql (flag to overcome the open ssl problem)

Your Jabberd 2 installation is complete. Below is a listing of file locations for the default installation:

        /usr/local/etc    Jabberd Configuration Files
        /usr/local/bin    Jabberd Binaries (jabberd, c2s, resolver, router, s2s, sm)

/usr/local/etc/c2s.xml remove under there is a compartibility issue

Am happy lol


When you try to start the server, you may see an error telling you that "Configuration parsing using jabber.xml failed". There are two reasons why you might experience this error. One is that the file you are pointing to does not exist; the solution is to type ./jabberd/jabberd -c /path/to/jabber.xml and thus specify the full path to your configuration file. The other reason is that the file exists but contains an XML error; the solution is to fix your XML (e.g., by pasting your entire jabber.xml file into the XML Syntax Checker at

Eith just add the muc xml and deamon to the old parts where the files existed initially or use this file if you want to add the conference to start up

#     mu-conference -- script to start Mu-Conference.
if [ "`/usr/bin/whoami`" != "$USER" ]; then
       echo "You need to be" $USER "user to run this script."
       exit 1
case "$1" in
        test -f $DAEMON -a -f $CONF || exit 0
        echo "Starting $NAME in debugging mode."
        $DAEMON -B -d 255 -c $CONF &
        test -f $DAEMON -a -f $CONF || exit 0
        echo "Starting $NAME."
        $DAEMON -B -c $CONF &
        echo "Stopping $NAME."
        killall $NAME &
        $0 stop
        sleep 3
        $0 start
        echo "Usage: $0 {debug|start|stop|restart}"
        exit 1